Sunday, September 15, 2013

Yes, No, Not Yet

I've been told that God has 3 answers to all requests,  "Yes, no and not yet". If you prayed and were blessed with a child,  then it's safe to say that your answer was the first one. But if you are reading this, then you most likely haven't and then His answer is one of the other two. "Not yet" is not so bad, it just requires lots of patience and lots of faith. But "no" is the one we don't ever want to hear. No one wants to ask for something, especially a child, and hear "no" for an answer.  However, I have good news. Even if His answer is "no", God's plan for you is better  than anything you can come up with for yourself. So His answer is not "no", its really "no, because I have something better". Have faith that whichever answer you get it is the best plan He has for you. Jesus said "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: (Matthew 7:7 KJVA)". Boy have I asked! I've been asking everyday for the past 2 years. Recently, I began to wonder if this daily request would increase my chances of getting pregnant. Would I be able to persuade God's decision if I prayed and asked daily? Is it really necessary to ask everyday? Or is God up there thinking "Alright sound like a broken record!" So, I decided I was no longer going to pray for a baby, I was instead going to pray for other things and other people. I'm ashamed to say that I got tired of praying and had temporarily lost my faith. Two days later after Sunday mass, we said hi to the priest and he asked my husband about our children. My husband quickly corrected him, like we do anytime anyone asks if we have kids, and told him that we have been trying. Having said that, the priest said a prayer for us to conceive. I was surprised by this because we haven't really had any other interaction with him and he doesn't know how long we had been trying for or even that it's a concern for us. So why would he immediately assume we needed a prayer? Well, I quickly realized that this was God's way of telling me to not stop praying, and that if I do, He will get other people to do it for me. So needless to say, I went back to asking Him for a baby daily. Before this happened, I wasn't confident that my prayers were being effective or heard, but He clearly showed me that they are.  I don't know why He needs us to keep asking but He showed me that He does. So continue to ask daily and do not doubt that you are being heard. 

Do you think God is listening to your prayers? Please share in the comments below, I would love to know that there are people trying to conceive reading my blog.

God bless!


  1. I know exactly what you mean!!!
    I don't think He is listening... I know. I have been TTC for almost 3 years. I'm finally in a good place, emotionally. My marriage has been strengthened beyond belief. I truly think that was God's plan all along. Now we are finally as Close as we've ever been to conceiving... with the help of a lot of prayer (and quite a bit of science too)

    1. He is listening, He is also crying beside you and holding your hand through your struggle. It will be really good soon! Have faith. Trust in Him.

  2. I know He hears me each and every time. I know He comforts me each time the answer is no, and I know He has a better plan in mind for someday! It is super hard, though!

  3. I been trying for years and nothing and this time I have miss my period and it driving me crazy I have been down this road before I have lost my faith in God I been praying everyday I think he is not listening to me I'm sad

    1. Oh no! I'm sorry. Please don't think that. He does listen and He hurts with you. I pray you find your faith again and that you get peace while you wait. Don't give up! Your baby is coming. Look at this website you might find more encouragement

  4. Please note that God never fails. I waited 25 years for my miracle baby. I would not have it any other way. During the waiting, I grew to know the Lord and to love him. When the time came for my visitation, it was perfect all round maritally, financially. Socially. I was in a beautiful place in my life. God's blessings add riches and no sorrow. It's worth waiting for God's blessings. Count your blessings everyday. Look around you and see his beauty in people, things and even yourself How fearfully and wonderfully made they all are.
    Ask God for help and guidance and he will show you the way. May the Lord hear all your prayers and attend to you. Amen
    Read and meditate on Isaiah 42:26 and Numbers 6: 24-26

  5. Apologies for the typo, I meant Isaiah 42:16


  6. am so glad to share my testimony how DR OSUN help me conceive after several years of marriage i found it difficult to conceive and i thought is was over i will never conceive again after 6years of marriage my husband plane for divorce but with the glory of God i found a man who is bless my God with root and herbs who help me get pregnant i want to say a big thanks to him and to the world for the great help he rendered to me for making me a complete woman today now i am 5months pregnant hoping to have My own baby soon. Glory be to DR OSUN and he will help you conceive you can call him +2348132537313 OR Whatsapp hem on this very number +2348132537313

  7. With the help of a man called Dr.Ogbes I was able to get pregnant. i'm 56years of age, it was really difficult for me to pregnant though my husband loves me but it was really hurting me not having my own child but after many years I came across Dr.Ogbes whose email address is or you reach him direct on his cell phone number +2347050270227 he told me he is going to send me a Herbs for me to drink, and will fall pregnant a week after drinking the Herbs i'm 7months pregnant now and also I will like to advice everyone looking for help to get pregnant to contact this very man via his email address at or call him on his cell phone number +2347050270227.

  8. HOW I GOT MY EX HUSBAND BACK WITH THE HELP OF REAL AND EFFECTIVE SPELL FROM DR Osasu My name is Olivia Jayden, I never thought I will smile again, My husband left me with two kids for one year, All effort to bring him back failed I thought I'm not going to see him again not until I met a lady called Jesse who told me about a spell caster called Dr. Osasu , She gave me his email address and mobile number and I contacted him and he assured me that within 48hours my husband will come back to me, In less than 48hours my husband came back started begging for forgiveness saying it is the devils work, so I'm still surprise till now about this miracle,i couldn't conceive but as soon as the spell was cast,i became pregnant and gave birth to my third child,if you need any assistance from him you can contact him via:email: Or WhatsApp or call him now:
    +2347064365391 . Dr.Osasu also cures: 1. HIV / AIDS 2. HERPES 1/2 3. CANCER 4. ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) 5. Hepatitis B


  9. Me and my husband has been married for about 4years now but have not be able to get pregnant and last year his family member want me out of the house because they said i was on unable to give them a child and they want him to get married to someone else i have know where to run to one day a friend of my told me about native IYa Hindi herbal on how powerful he is and how he has also help her with medication so i have to contact him immediately on his email: and he told me what i have to do which i did and after 7days i started seeing some changes in my body and i have to go and have a test carried out on me and find out that i was pregnant and it was just like a dream to me and my husband are very happy now and even the family member love me more than ever before and i finally put to birth October this years thanks to native IYa Hindi herbal I encourage women who are passing through what I experienced to also contact IYa Hindi herbal and not be troubled. To contact email: via WhatsApp messenger +19145295224 visits his register website:

  10. my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody at baby center told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; or Facebook at priest.babaka , for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will conceive once we follow his instructions ,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I'm glad we came to Priest Babaka, Because his pregnancy spell cast and herbal remedy help us, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: or Facebook at priest.babaka if you are trying to have a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine

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